Beautifully Flawed
Beautifully Flawed
By: Mindy Prengler
I grow in proportion to the sunrise,
In between the darkness of the clouds that is mirrored in between sun–
That part is the journey, to which I find hope,
And that is part of me.
Sometimes pain,
Part of my journey,
But it is part of me–
The dark is gray,
And not black and white,
Nor does it shine like the sun,
Nor the stars above,
But is beautiful.
I am a traveler,
Exploring the world around me–
In gratitude.
With each inhale taking in the love that fills my spirit,
With each exhale expressing my gratitude,
A dreamer,
Wanting to make a difference in the world,
No matter how big or small.
And a fighter,
Knowing that roads are curved;
And at times–
We come across dead ends.
But where there is a lost soul
There is always a path,
Or in creative moments,
I will build my own.
I am Me.
Not special–
For every human being and creature out there is,
But I am unique,
I am sensitive,
And I am proud of the woman I have become,
I am independent–
I stand up for what I believe in.
I have humility,
I am kind-hearted and giving,
But I set boundaries,
I believe in every person’s ability to shine
I believe in letting things go,
And when you let things go–
Give it away like a balloon floating away into the sky,
It eventually pops.
And wasn’t meant to be–
What’s meant to be simply
I believe in fighting for important things,
But not battling for everything.
I believe that life should be fun–
And lived fully,
Laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter heals all wounds,
I believe in healing.
I am courageous,
I will not hide from my own shadow,
I will be true to who I am,
I don’t change for anyone else.
I accept myself for who I am.
I am
Beautifully flawed
And imperfect.
And that is beautiful.
Mindy is a recent graduate from Texas Woman’s University master’s program in Counseling and Development and a former Aggie! She loves spending time with her friends and family. She works to help empower families and children. Her motto is to make a difference in this world no matter how big or small.